个人综合简介:男,群众,博士,讲师,1994年11月生,内蒙古首批“英才兴蒙”工程人才,内蒙古科技大学科炬计划后备人才。2024年6月在中国矿业大学(北京)获得工学博士学位。2024年7月入职内蒙古科技大学稀土产业学院工作。博士在读期间参与固废有价组分提取与资源化利用方向的国家、省部级项目5项。相关成果以第一作者或通讯作者在Journal of Cleaner Production,Energy,Fuel和Journal of Environmental Chemical Engineering等国际权威期刊发表SCI收录论文10余篇。
2020/09–2024/6 中国矿业大学(北京) 矿物加工工程(双一流学科)工学博士
2022/12–2023/12 Lakehead University Chemical Engineering 国家公派留学生 联合培养博士
2017/09–2020/06 中国矿业大学(北京) 矿物加工工程(双一流学科)工学硕士
2013/09–2017/06 安徽理工大学 矿物加工工程 工学学士
[1] 内蒙古自治区教育厅,内蒙古自治区留学回区人员创新创业启动基金,主持,2024年10月-2026年6月;
[2] 煤炭开采水资源保护与利用国家重点实验室开放基金,煤矸石/粉煤灰-浓盐矿井水资源综合利用技术研究,主要研究人员,2023年1月-2024年12月;
[3]安大略省东北部矿业创新与发展基金“Synthesis and evaluation of carboxyalkylated lignin as a dispersant in coal wastewater slurry”主要研究人员。2022年12月-2023年12月。
[4] 国家自然科学基金面上项目“煤化工废水水煤浆界面力学特性与颗粒分散/聚并行为的演化机制”主要研究人员。2020年9月-2023年12月。
[5] 山东省自然科学青年基金“褐煤对石油化工废水特征污染物的吸附特性及吸附后的成浆特性研究”主要研究人员。2020年9月-2022年12月。
[1] Suqian Gu, Zhiqiang Xu*, et al. "An approach for upgrading lignite to improve slurryability: Blending with direct coal liquefaction residue under microwave-assisted pyrolysis." Energy 222 (2021): 120012.(中科院一区TOP)
[2] Suqian Gu, Zhiqiang Xu*, et al. "Microwave co-pyrolysis of lignite with direct coal liquefaction residue: Synergistic effects and product combustion characteristics." Journal of Cleaner Production 325 (2021): 129293.(中科院一区TOP)
[3] Suqian Gu, Zhiqiang Xu*, et al. "The resource utilization of coal gasification wastewater by co-slurry with lignite: Slurryability, dispersion/aggregation behavior, and co-slurrying mechanisms." Fuel 352 (2023): 129114.(中科院一区TOP)
[4] Suqian Gu, Zhiqiang Xu*, et al. "Energy utilization of direct coal liquefaction residue via co-slurry with lignite: Slurryability, combustion characteristics, and their typical pollutant emissions." Fuel 326 (2022): 125037.(中科院一区TOP)
[5] Suqian Gu, Zhiqiang Xu*, et al. “Mechanistic insight into the adsorption and interaction of lignite, organic ingredients, and dispersant in coal wastewater slurry.” Journal of Environmental Chemical Engineering 11.5 (2023): 110814.(中科院二区TOP)
[6] Suqian Gu, Zhiqiang Xu*, et al. Effect of lignite semi-coke on lignite microwave upgrade and its slurryability. Energy Sources, Part A: Recovery, Utilization, and Environmental Effects, 2023, 45(3), 6442-6455.(SCI收录)
[7] Meijie Sun1, Suqian Gu1, et al. “Adsorption mechanism of ammonia nitrogen and phenol on lignite surface: Molecular dynamics simulations and quantum chemical calculations.” Fuel 337 (2023): 127157.(中科院一区TOP)
[8] Yangguang Ren, Suqian Gu*, et al. “Improve the slurry ability of lignite through co-slurrying and microwave co-pyrolysis with direct coal liquefaction residue.” Journal of Analytical and Applied Pyrolysis 165 (2022): 105559.(通讯作者、中科院二区)
[9] Liu, Jinting, Jing Zhao, Suqian Gu*, et al. “The effect of wet-grinding on coal mechanochemical pre-desulfurization.” Energy Sources, Part A: Recovery, Utilization, and Environmental Effects 45.2 (2023): 4432-4445.(通讯作者、SCI收录)
[10] Ren, Yangguang, Zhiqiang Xu, and Suqian Gu. “Physicochemical properties and slurry ability changes of lignite after microwave upgrade with the assist of lignite semi-coke.”Energy 252 (2022): 123728. (中科院一区TOP)